What If...
...you could access all of your potential?
I was just in front of that point.
I saw it.
I felt it.
Just one more step, and all the effort would have been worth it.
At exactly that point -
I fucked up.
Worse than not knowing your potential is knowing your potential while being incapable of pursuing it. This is where I find myself at this very moment. I need help. Your help.
I will be back on track to:


create Value

and improve beyond limits
connect with the worlds best in their field

to be(come) the best Problemsolver ever.
authetic and real
This is what i am here for.
Can you help me
to get back on track?
2022 I fucked up.
I want to recover and learn from my mistakes.
In 2023 I will refocus on learning -
And, building a more sustainable foundation.
I have a hell of a story to tell,
Side on the side with a full-time videographer to
take you with us on the journey.
365 Days dedicated to one goal:
Becoming the best problem-solver possible!
For everyone I know!
Philipp Nieds:
120k€ to clean up keep rolling
I know my heartful network. I know you. Together 120k should be easy, so whats with everything about the 120K?
My Charity
Every € that I raise above of that will go to my very own charity program. I create a coaching program on a weekly basis where I help people to change their life who can't afford my coaching. Every sponsor creates on spot for a sponsored attendee.
HOW CAN YOU BE PART? and why should you?
You give what you want. I am honestly grateful for all of your support of me, my vision, and what I can give you back.
Your Value:
Sponsoring Marketing:
We produce Daily content to grow an massive audience. As a sponsor, you can get monthly shoutouts on all our social media platforms to get more and more attention to your brand. We also invite you for interviews and pitches for your business. These Sponsor Interviews will be spreaded among our Audience and most importantly, our network.
Live Masterminds
regular Group sessions starting Q1/Q2 for your growth in health, love, inner peace, brain potential, and success. I give you all my knowledge of 10 years of studying the brain, the body, emotions and love. - Superhuman Entrepreneur -
5 weekly slots for 1:1 coaching sessions
to help you grow out your bottlenecks in certain life areas. (I am a certified coach for almost 10 years) We all do have bottlenecks in some areas. I haven't met anyone who is fulfilled in every aspect of life. We should never stop working on ourselves. First come first serve, only 5 spots a week, accessible for everyone starting at Sponsor Stage 2.
I got the Keys to: HEALTH, LOVE, HAPPYNESS, PEACE OF MIND, PRODUCTIFITY and more. Let me give it to you!
Network Access and matchmaking.
We are all connected with everyone through 6 contacts. A big part of this year is continuing to build an extraordinary network. You'll get personal Intros from me to everyone you need to get to know. If you want to meet a certain person around the globe, let me know, and I put that name on my list. My network already includes lots of, Top Entrepreneurs and Investors, international Top speakers, Top Managers, Actors and world-known musicians, some of the best doctors and healers around the globe, spiritual masters, Shamans, and Coaches. You let me know what you need, and I connect you with my elite network which will obviously massively expand during that year.
Beneficial Value Dinner.
Beginning of Q3, You'll be invited to an in-person event where you can meet all the other sponsors. There will be a "little" program that gives you an experience I am sure you never felt before. The mission of that day is to create a real super-emotional quantum moment that will change how you think and feels forever. The date and Place are a secret until 8 weeks before.
Purchase your sponsor packet easily via Apple Pay or regular checkout at the store.
As a Sponsor you get access of all that.
How much you want to give, decide for yourself what do you help me with.
Investors additional benefits are:
Stage 1: 7,5% Revenue share of all 2023 + a 3 Day 1on1 VIP Retreat worth 15.000€
Stage 2: 15% Revenue share of all 2023 + a 3 Day 1on1 VIP Retreat worth 15.000€
Es gibt keine Produkte zum Anzeigen.
First upcoming Video feb 2023
Chapter 1 - Recovery:
How bad I fucked up in 2022 and how I recovered myself
more upcoming for 2023
Chapter 2 - Growth
What I learnd spending 7 Days with a brainscientist
Chapter 3: Expand beyond:
Networking from scratch: How many days do I need to get an Intro to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Robbins or Tim Ferris?
Analysing the behavior of 100 Top entreprenuers and help everyone to 10x their happienes withing a 30 day practise.
got your atention? Let me proof that. Become a quantumsponsor!
the MVP
First Movie.
sorry, it's german, but gives a little impression of the way we will produce. Well push-out videos with even more meaning and value, but that is a hell of a start for the very first try I guess. Now let's do that on a scale.
Authentic. Even more than this.
Why Sponsorships?
I have come far alone, but I don't want to continue as everyone else. I don't want to do the fake it until I make it way! I want to team up. I have come unbelievably far already, but I want to continue on FOCUSING ON GROWTH and LEARNING. Instead of start selling. Learning from the best sometimes needs a lot of resources, time, and money to travel, attend events and be at the right time at the right place.
In the past, I always needed to pause growth because I ran out of liquidity to grow. I am almost there, but I want to gather the last pieces of the puzzle and most importantly prove my strategies. I am just not the guy to fake success to sell.
2 Reasons for that campaign: I don't want to stop anymore. And I don't want to do all that just for me. I want you to participate in that growth. I WANT YOU TO WIN. MY BIGGEST GOAL IS THAT YOU GOT EVEN MORE OUT OF THAT THAN I DO. I REALLY WANT THAT. AND I KNOW, FROM WHAT I ALREADY DISCOVERED, ITS GONNA BE WORTH IT FOR YOU X TIMES.
Who else got the time to learn the quint essence from all legends and build it into one system? I guess you don't, but I do. I do because it's my biggest passion to gather all that together.
Lets talk numbers
Messured by other youtubers in my network, we will easyly be abel to build a audiance over 100.000 People - where you got the opportunity to be seen as a sponsor if you want to.
Estimated income just by youtube revenue is middle 6 figure by uploading 2 High-Quality Videos a month and 2 Shorts a day through all platforms. Youtube revenue is shared with all sponsors.
Next to the beneficial coaching program 2 Coachingprogram going to launch. superhuman entreprenuer - 20 slots 7500€ each. = 150.000€
Life Purpose Code 100 Slots 1500€ each = 150.000€
Estimated Rev 2023 min 400.000€ 1% = 4.000€